Basketball, Paralysis and Leadership with Jeremy Bock - Paralysis 2 Purpose
A Flight for Life, was just the beginning of an incredible journey, that included paralysis twice, for Jeremy Bock, a talented basketball player from a small town in Wisconsin. With aspirations to play college basketball, Jeremy left the comfort of his hometown, and enrolled in a high school that he knew little about, except for their basketball success. Jeremy’s talent was quickly recognized by his coach and his peers, and he was instrumental in leading them to a state championship his junior year. His success didn’t come without its’ challenges. Jeremey’s relationship with his high school coach provided the additional guidance needed to get him through those challenges, including physical paralysis, twice. In this episode, Jeremy shares the joys, the miracles, and the pains of his experience, and how they were instrumental in shaping his desire to serve others and to create Leaders in the marketplace.
David Cooks